Friday, January 10, 2014


In mathematics, a syzygy is a relation between the generators of a module M. The set of all such relations is called the "first syzygy module of M". A relation between generators of the first syzygy module is called a "second syzygy" of M, and the set of all such relations is called the "second syzygy module of M". Continuing in this way, we derive the nth syzygy module of M by taking the set of all relations between generators of the (n − 1)th syzygy module of M. If M is finitely generated over a polynomial ring over a field, this process terminates after a finite number of steps; i.e., eventually there will be no more syzygies (see Hilbert's syzygy theorem). The syzygy modules of M are not unique, for they depend on the choice of generators at each step.

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talk nineteen to the dozen

  to speak rapidly and without stopping