Thursday, June 18, 2009
In ecology, overshoot occurs when a population exceeds the long term carrying capacity of its environment. The consequence of overshoot is called a crash or die-off. The classic application of this concept to human experience is Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change, by William R. Catton, Jr. Also see Limits to growth: The 30-year update, by Meadows, Randers & Meadows, which updates the classic 1974 book, The Limits to Growth.
talk nineteen to the dozen
to speak rapidly and without stopping
Nureongi (누렁이) and Hwangu (황구; 黃狗) are Korean terms meaning "Yellow Dog" used to refer to tannish mongrel or landrace of dog in...
Engrams are a hypothetical means by which memory traces are stored as biophysical or biochemical changes in the brain (and other neural...