A different way of saying youths. Young people under say 16. |
(linguistics) The variety of speech that is considered the standard form.
mesolect(linguistics) A variety of a language that has diverged greatly from the standard form.
A pied-à-terre (French, "foot on the ground") is a small living unit usually located in a large city some distance away from an individual's primary residence. It may be an apartment or condominium.
The term pied-à-terre implies usage as a temporary second residence, either for part of the year or part of the work week, by a person of some means.A Yahoo is a legendary being in the novel Gulliver's Travels (1726) by Jonathan Swift.
Swift describes the Yahoos as vile and savage creatures, filthy and with unpleasant habits, resembling human beings far too closely for the liking of protagonist Lemuel Gulliver, who finds the calm and rational society of intelligent horses, the Houyhnhnms, far preferable. The Yahoos are primitive creatures obsessed with "pretty stones" they find by digging in mud, thus representing the distasteful materialism and ignorant elitism Swift encountered in Britain. Hence the term "Yahoo" has become synonymous with "cretin," "dinosaur," and/or "Neanderthal."
A refractory material is one that retains its strength at high temperatures. ASTM C71 defines refractories as "non-metallic materials having those chemical and physical properties that make them applicable for structures, or as components of systems, that are exposed to environments above 1,000 °F (811 K; 538 °C)".
Refractory materials are used in linings for furnaces, kilns, incinerators and reactors. They are also used to make crucibles.
Mitteleuropa (Central/Middle Europe) is the German term equal to Central Europe.
The word has political, geographic and cultural meaning. While it describes a geographical location, it also is the word describing a German political program that was put into motion during First World War.
The historian Jörg Brechtefeld describes 'Mitteleuropa' as the following:
The term 'Mitteleuropa' never has been merely a geographical term; it is also a political one, much as Europe, East and West, are terms that political scientists employ as synonyms for political ideas or concepts. Traditionally, Mitteleuropa has been that part of Europa between East and West. As profane as this may sound, this is probably the most precise definition of Mitteleuropa available.
to speak rapidly and without stopping